"New York, You're Bringing Me Down: Dirty Blvd. Edition" Free e-zine

Yesterday was my birthday, but today you get the gift. I've been playing around with the images from my most recent zine, and decided to do a "re-mix." I wanted to capture the dirt and muck of the streets of NYC, at least the way I remember them years ago. I had Lou Reed on my mind (and in my headphones) as I worked on these images, hence the edition name. As a way to say "thanks" to all of you for supporting my creative endeavors, I'm making my re-mix version available for free as an e-zine. Click on the image below for a look at the layout, and to download your own copy, gratis.

A scuzzed up version of my latest NYC zine, free to download.

A scuzzed up version of my latest NYC zine, free to download.

If you really like it and want to purchase a physical copy, I've set up sales on MagCloud.
Link to purchase is below. 

Dirty Blvd. Edition

Dirty Blvd. Edition

A "scuzzy" version of my most recent New York zine. Looks like it was dragged through the gutter. Pretty much how I felt when I was shooting these images. Channeling the ghost of Lou Reed.

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